Achieving Sustainable Development through Industrial Ecology


Posted by iEcology | Posted in Industrial Ecology | Posted on 13-07

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Sustainable development has been a very wide topic that has been discussed a lot these days due to a lot of environmental issues. Industrial ecology in this sector offers a lot of new scope for study. In the sense, industrial ecology offers method that can assist corporations and organizations in sustainable operations.

Sustainable Development as defined by the Brundtland Commission is the economic and social development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising on the needs for the future generation. There were nonetheless other definitions given by other academicians too, although all of them have more or less the same idea of sustainable development resting on three main pillars.

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Achieving Sustainable Development via Industrial Ecology


Posted by iEcology | Posted in Industrial Ecology | Posted on 27-12

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From the last few years the concept of sustainable development came into existence. Along with this the other concepts that became popular are environmental management and also industrial ecology. In almost every section of the population like media, industry, educational world, NGOs etc these concepts became regular topic of discussions. From this it can be concluded that people at last have started to understand the importance of the environment. So, the focus of the people became strong on environmental issues. Now, people have understood that if they don’t take cautious steps related to environmental issues then, the world will soon get destroyed. Moreover, the careless attitude of humans regarding the nature have already damaged considerable portion of the mother Earth. So, it is high time that we start thinking about our environment. If each and every individual around the globe starts to take care of its surrounding environment then, we can bring back the proper ecological balance that we have already destroyed in all these years since the beginning of human civilization.

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